If you are like me, constantly wondering whether your skincare products are actually really working but have no way to go about quantifying its effectiveness, then this little device here may be what you have been looking for all along!
Hubs bought this plug-and-play CosBeauty Digital Smart Skin Analyzer for me as a present and I've been having so much fun measuring not only the oil but also the moisture content of my skin ever since I laid my hands on it! Hubs also tried really hard to explain the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology behind it and I will be lying if I said I completely got it. However, this is my understanding of how the Skin Analyzer works.
The device estimates the oil and moisture content of your skin by releasing an electrical current (you don't feel anything!) between the two metal pods and measuring the opposition to its flow. Hubs told me to think of it like i'm firing a bullet in the swimming pool - the denser the water, the more resistance measured as the bullet travels slower. As to how it differentiates between oil and moisture content, I honestly don't know how it works.
The device itself is actually really easy to use. Simply download and launch the SkinTouch application on your app store, plug in the skin analyzer as you would with your ear phones then turn up the volume to the maximum. The app is compatible on both iOS and Android devices.
You would come a screen like this where you can simply choose which part of your body you want to analyze. Then simply gently press the pod against the area and wait for a few seconds for the readings to show! On a side note, you should try to maintain consistency on how hard you press the pod against your skin to attain a more accurate reading. So the above reading was taken before I washed my face and applied my toner.
As you can see, the moisture content of my skin improved after applying my Hada Labo Gokujyun Lotion! Btw, you can toggle between having skincare products on and having them off. Whilst it does not affect the reading per se, this option is useful as you can save and track your skin condition over time without being confused.
As you can see, the moisture content of my skin improved after applying my Hada Labo Gokujyun Lotion! Btw, you can toggle between having skincare products on and having them off. Whilst it does not affect the reading per se, this option is useful as you can save and track your skin condition over time without being confused.
Source: SkinTouch on App Store
I have not taken enough readings to form a useful chart so this is what I got off the SkinTouch app gallery. However, interestingly enough, from the graphs, it appears that the user may have tagged the readings wrongly (no/with skincare) since her skin seems to be better off without any products. In any case, the ability to track your skin condition over time with such a method will help you to troubleshoot skincare products and routine issues much more effectively than basing it off your naked eye.

Since there has not been a lot of hype or reviews over this sort of products yet, I would love to hear from you if you have tried similar ones like this or this! Lastly, I have to say that for $14, this pretty Digital Smart Skin Analyzer is well worth it!

Since there has not been a lot of hype or reviews over this sort of products yet, I would love to hear from you if you have tried similar ones like this or this! Lastly, I have to say that for $14, this pretty Digital Smart Skin Analyzer is well worth it!
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